Banjo-Kazooie N64 Part 15 - Grunty's Furnace Fun!

Описание к видео Banjo-Kazooie N64 Part 15 - Grunty's Furnace Fun!

Hi Guys, it's been a while but i'm back with more B-K videos.

This one is off course, the Grunty's Furnace Fun part. Basically it's a Board game where every different tile have a different type of question about the whole game or about a certain topic.

I'll make a little explanation here about every tile but Gruntilda will explain every tile when you land in it for the first time so don't worry.

Banjo and Kazooie Tile:
Makes a question about anything about the game and the world, things like how much eggs you can collect at maximum and etc...

Eye Tile:
Makes a visual challenge where you need to say which character name is showing in the screen or the world you have been.

Gruntilda Tile:
Remember the last video where we learned about Grunty's nasty secrets?, Yeah it's time to put then in use here, this tile asks things about Gruntilda.

Musical Note Tile:
It's and audio test, basically it makes 3 types of question using sound. 1 - you will hear a sound about one item being collect and need to say which item is it. 2 - a character will speak and you need to say which character have the voice listened. 3 - When you use a move depending of the move, it have a music, just say what move it is used.

Extra Honeycomb Tile:
Just a energy restorer.

Banjo-Clown Tile:
Makes a random question in any session, if you get it right you win 2 jokes card, with then you can skip 2 tiles by pressing B, if you miss you can't try again.

Random question about every session, if you miss, instant death.

Clock Tile:
You will need to re-do a specific time event, like killing the Zubbas from Click Clock Wood to get a jiggy, instead here you need to do this for survive and careful to not lose any health.

Extra Life Tile:
Just an extra life.

If you want to know every question just look here, "BTW i play B-K since i was a kid so i don't use this guide for the video.":

This video was created for educational content only.


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