JAM Pedals Waterfall

Описание к видео JAM Pedals Waterfall

Don't bore us, get to the chorus!

0:00 Slow subtle chorus
At low depth settings the Waterfall does subtle really well - no mix knob required. It adds a really nice shimmery top end.

1:43 Faster chorus
The plus switch is turned on towards the end of this section. It increases depth but also has a different vibe - it sounds like the wave form is more complex.

2:53 Fast vibrato
In vibrato mode with the plus switch on and the depth set low, you can get a really cool magnatone-style vibe. The plus switch gives it more throb and character than a plain pitch shift vibrato.

4:10 Slow vibrato
In vibrato mode at slow speeds you can enter lofi town.

5:09 Waterfall and Harmonious Monk
Chorus and harmonic trem 😋


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