City Council Dec 16th 2024

Описание к видео City Council Dec 16th 2024

For A
Regular Meeting of the
City Council of the City of Poplar Bluff, Missouri
To Be Held On
Monday – December 16, 2024 – 7:00 p.m.
In The
City Council Chambers
301 S. 5th Street

I. Meeting Called to Order Mayor Shane Cornman
II. Invocation Deacon Mike Allen First Baptist Church
III. Pledge of Allegiance
IV. Roll Call

Boyer Horton
Smith Massingham
DePew Parson

V. Disclosure of Interest
Any member of the City Council may disclose any possible conflict of interest dealing with either any item on the printed agenda or with any matter discussed at a previous meeting.

VI. Citizens' Input
Each person in the audience may take this opportunity to address the City Council on any matter which is not on the printed agenda.

VII. Consent Agenda
The items on the Consent Agenda are approved by a single action of the City Council. If any Councilmember would like to have an item removed from the Consent Agenda and considered separately, he/she may request to do so.

A. Approval of Minutes
The City Clerk will present the minutes of a public hearing held November 18, 2024 and regular meetings held November 4, 2024 and November 18, 2024 to the City Council for their approval.

B. City Clerk's Report
a. Report on fund balances, investments and collections as of November 30, 2024.
b. Reports from City Departments for the month of November 2024:
1. List of Bills Paid;
2. A report from the Fire Department;
3. A report from Municipal Court:
4. Payroll report by departments;
5. A report from the Planning Department;
6. A report from the Police Department;
7. A report from the Street Department;
8. Police and Fire Pension Report;
9. Sales Tax Report.
End of consent portion of agenda.

VIII. Workshop Items for Discussion

A. The City Council will consider adopting a Title VI Civil Rights Policy of Non- Discrimination.

B. The City Council will consider a resolution appointing a City Manager for the City of Poplar Bluff.

C. The City Council will consider a resolution authorizing the Mayor to apply for grant funding from the Assistance to Firefighters Grant for the Poplar Bluff Fire Department.

D. The City Council will consider amending the City of Poplar Bluff Code of Ordinances, Chapter 120, Personnel Regulations, Article III, Holidays, Vacation and Other Leave, Section 120.480 (C), Sick Leave – Procedure for Taking.

IX. Action Required Items

AA. Bill No. The City Council will take action on an ordinance approving the Fiscal Year 2025 Budget for the City of Poplar Bluff and Municipal Utilities.

BB. Bill No. The City Council will take action on an ordinance denying a request to rezone property from RD-1 Duplex Residential District to RS-3 Central Area Residential located at 925 Benton Street.

CC. Bill No. The City Council will take action on an ordinance denying a request for a conditional use permit located at 925 Benton Street.

DD. Res. No. __________ The City Council will take action on a resolution authorizing the submission of an application to the Community Development Block Grant Mitigation Program for grant funding for the installation of a new well on Alice Street.

EE. Res. No. __________ The City Council will take action on a resolution appointing a City Manager for the City of Poplar Bluff.

FF. Res. No. __________ The City Council will take action on a resolution authorizing the Mayor to apply for grant funding from the Assistance to Firefighters Grant for the Poplar Bluff Fire Department.

X. City Manager’s Report
XI. Adjourn


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