Trifonic - Sooner Or Later

Описание к видео Trifonic - Sooner Or Later

Beautiful track! Emergence is Trifonic's debut album. It was written and recorded in 2007, and released on February 26, 2008. The term emergence refers to many simple, independent actions giving rise to complex systems and patterns. It's similar to the concept of order out of chaos. Emergence can be seen in everything from the formation of molecules and the evolution of complex organisms, to behavior in ant colonies and flocks of birds, to traffic patterns and stock markets. The concept of emergence is applicable in many ways to how we make our music. We typically start with a single sound or idea that we find interesting — maybe a guitar amp setting, a bass note, or just some sort of ambience. Then we begin adding other elements, shaping and refining the sound of each one as we go. This process of layering sounds eventually leads us to the melodies and rhythms that define each song. As a track begins to take shape we start to get a sense of what the finished product might look like. But the track often becomes something very different by the time we're done with it.


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