Hortibloom MEGA EVO 720 led grow light par test and review

Описание к видео Hortibloom MEGA EVO 720 led grow light par test and review

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Product link: https://hortibloom.com/products/mege-...

Come to see ‪@hortibloomledgrowlights6639‬ LED Grow Light @ MJBizCon, 16-18th November, 2022, Las Vegas, Booth No: #2340

Link: https://mjbiz22.mapyourshow.com/8_0/e...

The Hortibloom MEGA EVO is a commercial grade LED grow light with adjustable outer LED bars. The outer bars can be moved to increase the spread of the led bars and they can also be tilted to direct the light inwards or outwards.

The Powerland driver is mounted on the back but can also be mounted remotely. The driver has onboard dimming and connections for daisy chain dimming control also.
The light is hung on 2 x hanging points on the driver bracket or at each end of the fixture. The coverage is 4ft x 4ft and can be hung from 1ft to 3ft above the plant canopy.

The LEDs are Samsung LM281B and warm and cool whites. There is an acrylic cover over the LEDs sealing them from dirt and moisture ingress.
The light output is full spectrum with an overall color temperature of 3700K, suitable for full cycle growing from seed to harvest.

I tested the light in a 4ft x 4ft space with reflective walls at 2ft hanging height (low enough so all the light is reflected by the mylar walls).The power consumed was 720 watts and the average PAR was 955 µmols across the test area. The system efficiency of the fixture is 1.91 µmols/watt or usable PPF/watt.

Overall a very well built fixture with good efficiency and high specifications suitable for commercial applications.


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