Echidna G2 Prog Clear (Hard) - Time To Hunt (TTH) Gunslinger (Controller) | Lost Ark

Описание к видео Echidna G2 Prog Clear (Hard) - Time To Hunt (TTH) Gunslinger (Controller) | Lost Ark

Hi there!

This is my 1st clear during prog/release week for Echidna Gate 2.

It took me a bit over 11 hours to prog and learn fully. Unfortunately, 3/4 of that time was in groups that couldn't properly get down to giant echidna, so my basement experience didn't ramp up until the last few hours. Took me around 11 basements to finally clear (1-2 players dying meant enrage timer being hit, which happened around 3 times).

I played a bit conservatively to avoid getting charmed, since it was getting late & I only experienced the 0 bar mech once (which was this clear). DPS was fairly low playing conservatively and grabbing clash.

Overall, it's not an insanely difficult fight but it is a long fight. You want to be in groups that can consistently reach basement. If they are not able to do that, I'd find another group. This was a random pug group I joined with 1 supp friend, where we progged around 4 hours together with this same pug group. We used the hell discord for comms.

Last note is, controller makes counters & targeting during snake clash very difficult, hence why my positioning is different (since it auto-targets Echidna).



Build for Time to Hunt/TTH:
1650 TTH Crit/Spec GS
Full Lvl 10 Gems (7M Build)
LOS 30
40 elixir critical set
105 Flower/Full transcendence
98 quality weapon
5.50% demon damage
9/7 stone (grudge/adr)
Bracelet has spec/crit, dex, and circulate
Nightmare set
Engravings: TTH3, PM3, HM3, Grudge 3, Keen Blunt 3, Adrenaline 2


If you're on NAE and need a community to hang out with or raid with (or other games), you can join the Silent Wing community on discord. Just mention you joined from YT so we can pass out roles.


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