
Описание к видео Skull

Lateral Skull
CR: 2 inches superior the EAM
SID: 40 inches
IOML Aligned to bottom edge of IR/perpendicular to th front edge of IR

PA Skull
CR: Exits the nasion
SID: 40 inches
OML Perpendicular to IR

AP Skull
CR: Exits the nasion
SID: 40 inches
OML Perpendicular to the IR

AP Axial Skull
CR: Enters the nasion; 15 degree cephalic angle
SID: 40 inches
OML Perpendicular to the IR

PA Axial Haas Method Skull
CR: Enters 1.5 inches below the inion; 25 degree cephalic angle
SID: 40 inches
OML Perpendicular to the IR

AP Axial Townes Method Skull
CR: Enters 2.5 inches above the glabella; 30 degree caudal angle
SID: 40 inches
OML Perpendicular to the IR

SMV Skull
CR: Enters .75 inches anterior the EAM
SID: 40 inches
IOML Parallel to the IR


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