Cube Audio Fc8 and Fostex FE204 - foray to Full Range drivers!!!

Описание к видео Cube Audio Fc8 and Fostex FE204 - foray to Full Range drivers!!!

A snapshot in changing the FE204 to CA-Fc8 in the Voigt pipe.
Got stuck with sharing a few ideas on full range drivers...
While they are not full-full range AKA 1Hz-130kHz (the full range of sound that can be PERCEIVED by hearing and body sensations), but their range is COHERENT and sufficient for a sense of WHOLENESS and RIGHTNESS that NO TWO OR MORE WAY LOUDSPEAKER CAN ACHIEVE.
BTW the FE204 reached down to 30Hz in my rooms, did reproduce the full Baroque church organ - and did render the VERY FINEST Baroque church organ reproduction I ever heard from any system. (Excluding the Voice of Lancelot, that stepped beyond - but anything else, far cry... the subs do not help with a Baroque organ, as they do give quanTITY, but they can't perform in quaLITY.)

I hope these videos will be informative and inspirational, and help you to start your fun with DIY.... I can tell from 20+yrs experience that when you build (or modify) your loudspeakers, they start talking to you and give you more joy than you ever thought possible.
Amen to that.


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