ANGELINA JORDAN's le Bal des Debutantes Experience Nov 22-25, 2023

Описание к видео ANGELINA JORDAN's le Bal des Debutantes Experience Nov 22-25, 2023

This is an Attempt to sort of wrap-up Angelina's 4 days in Paris, France on Nov 22-25, 2023 where she was Participating in 'le Bal des Debutantes'.

The Bonus ending is one of Angelina's TikTok posts from TODAY !
But it is NOT just the post rehashed - there is a Very Special Twist.
Let's just say Angelina's "all time inspiration" paid a visit. ;-)

A bunch of info was gathered, like info from related websites and short video clips and Official and Unofficial Photographs and compiled together in a story-line of events that I know and / or THINK happened based on my having stared at this stuff for 4 days, so I know 'more than your average bear'. But this is in no way supposed to be PERFECT - there is still Plenty I don't know (obviously) and probably stuff I didn't get quite right. I tried...




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