Everything happens to me Chromatic Harmonica

Описание к видео Everything happens to me Chromatic Harmonica

Everything happens to me、はマット・デニスのメロディにトム・アデアが歌詞を付け、フランク・シナトラが歌ったのが最初だと言われています。
そして、マット・デニスはトニー・ドーシー楽団のピアニストであり、1940年代にEverything happens to meを書き上げたそうです。
そこで、Everything happens to meの日本語訳は「すべてが私に起こる」つまり、「いろんなことが私に降りかかるものだ」というイメージです。

Everything happens to me is said to have been first sung by Frank Sinatra, with lyrics by Tom Adair to a melody by Matt Dennis.
And Matt Dennis was a pianist in the Tony Dorsey Orchestra and composed Everything happens to me in the 1940s.
Everything happens to me translates to “everything that happens to me” or “various things that happen to me” in Japanese.
The lyrics are about heartbreak, loneliness, and the bitterness of life ....... I think everyone goes through it.
I think the wonderful melody of this song makes you feel the many things that happen to me.


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