Gorillas & Heart Disease: Cleveland Metroparks Zoo Leads Fight For Treatment & Prevention

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Gorillas in the wild face a number of threats – including poaching, habitat loss, and human encroachment. But for gorillas living in captivity, perhaps the most pressing concern beats within their chest.

More than 45 percent of gorillas housed in zoos are known to have some form of heart disease. That number thought to be higher due to the difficulties of diagnosing an animal of their size. Like humans, heart disease is a leading cause of death among male gorillas; a problem scientists and zoo veterinarians first recognized nearly two decades ago.

Much of the leading research into why the health issue plagues captive gorillas more than their counterparts in the wild – and what preventative measures could have lasting impact – happens in Cleveland, by a dedicated team of experts.

We take you to Cleveland Metroparks Zoo to meet its growing gorilla troupe – and discover how research there could improve the health outcomes for future generations of gorillas in captivity.


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