Takuyaksat 00803IQ TAKUY 92 INUK

Описание к видео Takuyaksat 00803IQ TAKUY 92 INUK

Takuyaksat – was a Baker Lake production involving cultural activities, storytelling, hunting, sewing, and legends.

Producer: Baker Lake Inuit Broadcasting, Nunavut
Host: Leah Aitauq

Segment 1: Baker Lake elder, Bessie Iquginnaq Scottie, recounts a legend about a person who can transform into any animal. She tells how each animal feels or what it is thinking. When the animal is killed by a human and each time that happens, the person turns into another animal.

Segment 2: Ice fishing trip in Baker Lake, Nunavut.

Segment 3: Different communities gather in Baker Lake for a fashion show on traditional clothing.

Segment 4: Love music performed by Peter and Susan Aningmiuq.


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