Hybrid Wedgie Sled

Описание к видео Hybrid Wedgie Sled

I have made a new table saw sled for cutting segments used for segmented turning. This new sled is based on the adjustable sled by Jerry Bennett. This sled consists of two fences. It is the difference in angle between these two fences that gives you the angle of each segments, not the angle between the fence and the table saw blade. To quickly adjust the two fences, you make a wedge with the desired angle that can be fit between the two fences. This wedge forces the fences into the desired angle.
I added an extra piece to the sled on the opposite side of the table saw blade from the fences. This extra piece of sled gives the newly cut segment a place to fall and be carried away from the spinning blade.

The Wedgie Sled

Frank Howarth - Father, husband, and interested in architecture at a small scale expressed through woodworking and film making.

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