Castiel's Voice Is Misha's Curse

Описание к видео Castiel's Voice Is Misha's Curse

PaleyFest 2011 Supernatural Panel
The topic: Misha's acting choices come back to haunt him - and Jensen shares a story of Misha's first day on set. FULL TEXT (courtesy of Liana Bekakos @

MAUREEN: Any one else want to give a do-over?

MISHA: Sure, I have one. In the first episode where Castiel shows up and he's trying to communicate with Dean and in so doing his angelic voice is exploding television sets and breaking windows... I, being the consummate guest star that I am, thought that I would do this really [demonstrates voice] deep, gravelly, commanding, kick-ass, window-breaking voice. [normal voice after slight hesitation] I may be running into medical problems now. It has been brutal on my throat. So yeah... regret. What would be nice is if somehow Castiel has a tank of helium with him, and he [inhales] and then he talks like I do normally.

JENSEN: I remember when we filmed that scene and it was the first time he came in and I worked with him. He went into... this voice and this spiel. After the first take, I turned to our camera department and [incredulously] 'what is he doing?!' [draws in a breath through clenched teeth feigning disbelief] 'did he audition?!' [laughter] But he knows that, I've told him about this.

JARED: Yeah, he said the same thing to me, 'cause I didn't have a scene with (Misha). I asked, 'hey, how's the new guy?'

JENSEN: Really nice! But what the hell is he doing on camera?

JARED: He's strange! He's not a bad actor, obviously... he's just ... really strange. And so we walk past him and (Jensen) is [acting out a nudge on the arm] 'I think he's in character, look, look' [the panel and the audience go into uncontrollable laughter; Jared turns to Misha to ask if he was in character at the time, but Misha shakes his head unable to remember] I remember specifically one moment that he was standing behind the grip truck eating something, must have been yogurt or granola or something. We walk past going from Stage 3 to our trailers and Jensen (taps the arm) says 'there he is' and we both sort of do this [acting out avoidance]

JENSEN: There's the freak.

JARED: And Misha has a very pensive look about him, even when he's relaxing. "Yeah, yeah, looks like he's thinking or something."

JENSEN: And / or on the toilet. But I will say that his consistency in that character has been--

JARED: --his saving grace! (chuckles)

JENSEN: It's really grown on me. [reaching over and patting Misha on the knee, in all seriousness] Nice job, buddy!


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