Unit 2 - Technical Committee membership

Описание к видео Unit 2 - Technical Committee membership

This unit explains the different types of membership in ISO Technical Committees, as well as the rights and obligations of the members.

Key slides:
P-members and O-members: https://i.imgsafe.org/8b/8b0c5cc4c7.jpeg
Liaisons: https://i.imgsafe.org/8b/8b0c83aa27.jpeg

Relevant links:
General information about ISO: https://www.iso.org/what-we-do.html
ISO annual reports: https://www.iso.org/annual-reports.html
ISO Structure: https://www.iso.org/structure.html
The TMB: https://www.iso.org/governance-of-tec...
Organizations in liaison: https://www.iso.org/organizations-in-...


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