LOK Digital - a puzzle game about keywords

Описание к видео LOK Digital - a puzzle game about keywords

This is a really cool puzzle book that came out a few months ago, but newly a digital version has been announced and now I'm playing it. The visuals and sound design are super satisfying and I look forward to the full version.

The original puzzle book had a small element of "rule discovery" but I'm not sure if it comes across in the digital version. In the puzzle book you had to analyze the level designs and come up with the rule that would make sense as the one solution to the puzzle - but in here, it will just do the action, you don't have to think about that.

The physical puzzle book is paid, but the PDF is free.


"LOK Digital is the video-game adaptation of LOK, a puzzle book by Letibus Design. It expands on the original paper puzzle premise with new mechanics and paper-transcending twists."
also the idea that there are new mechanics are interesting!


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