Buying a Neo Geo AES Console in 2020, A Frankly Expensive but Wholly Exhilarating Experience

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A new owner of the fabled Neo Geo Advanced Entertainment System talks about hardware prices, game prices, flash carts and more.

I am really enjoying this machine and am very happy to have added it to the collection. This popped up on Facebook around my birthday so I decided to treat myself. I was looking into the MiSTer setup which also flawlessly runs Neo Geo games but I am a sucker for the original hardware.

I really do hope that the NeoSD will come back and allow me to play some of the shooters and other classics. Otherwise I might be stuck with my copy of Fatal Fury Special forever (although it's a good game and I am enjoying it immensely).

Other notes, not sure why I keep calling the game Final Fight :D


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