Air to cloth Ratio of Bag Filter | Air Permeability of Filter cloth of Dust collector

Описание к видео Air to cloth Ratio of Bag Filter | Air Permeability of Filter cloth of Dust collector

What is air to cloth ratio of Bag filter? What is Air Permeability of Filter cloth of Dust collector?

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Air to cloth ratio is the ratio Volumetric flow rate of air vs total cloth area.
Filtration velocity is actually the velocity at which the dust laden gases travel across the filter element. Unit is M³ / M² / Minute or M / Min (Filtration velocity)

The Air-to-Cloth Ratio is typically between 1.0 and 3.5 Metres per minute, mainly depending on the concentration of dust loading.

The more critical the dust { fine, light, sticky, non-agglomerating, abrasive, etc} or higher the dust loading, the larger is the filtration area provided, i.e. lower is the air-to-cloth ratio maintained.

The air permeability of a fabric is a measure of how well it allows the passage of air through it. Value range is 16-20 M³/Min/M² @20 mmwc

Type of dust separation;

1. Intermittent Shaking (Cleaning by Vibratory motor)
2. Shaking & Reverse Air (Cleaning by Low pressure reverse air)
3. Low Pressure Cleaning (Air Purse Pressure 3-4 Kg/mm2)
4. Pulse Jet Cleaning (Air Purse Pressure 4-6 Kg/mm2)

Process Bag Filter | Bag House construction feature | Pollution Control equipment | installation guideline for process Bag filter

Type of Pollution Control equipment’s
Type of Bag Filter
Online Bag filter working Principle
Type of Filter Bag Fixing arrangement

What is Pollution Control Equipment

In industrial process, various particulate and gaseous matter get generated are called as pollutant.
Those pollutant are allowed to pass through an equipment which separates particulate matter (like fly ash, lime stone, coal dust, cement etc.) and gaseous matter (like Sox, Nox, volatile organic etc) from air stream.
Clean air then let out to atmosphere and thus controlling pollution in atmosphere.

1. Constant Efficiency Type: Those if inlet designed parameters vary, emission also get disturbed.
a.Cyclone / Muti Cyclone
b. Wet Scrubber
c. ESP(Electro static Precipitator)

2. Constant Emission Type: In this case on changing inlet parameters, outlet emission will not change.
a. Fabric Filter ( Bag Filter)

Type of Bag Filter

1. On-Line Bag Filter:
This type of bag filter have only one chamber.
Cleaning of bags and filtration of gases taking place in same time.
Generally used in small de-dusting having lesser gas volume.
Lower cleaning efficiency.

2. OFF-Line Bag Filter: (Bag House, RABH)
This type of bag filter have more than one chamber.
During bags cleaning, one chamber get isolated from gas stream.
Higher cleaning efficiency.
Generally used in very high gas volume filtration.

Bag filter working Principle

The dust laden air enters through the hopper by suction or positive pressure. The heavier dust particles fall immediately into the hopper, while the lighter dust gets deposited on the outside of the filter bags. This dust is removed in a pre-determined cycle by pulse of high pressure compressed air.

Constructional features of Bags Fixing
a.Coller Bend Type
b. Snap bend type

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