Ayahuasca Icaro with lyrics and translation - Opening the Sacred Space, Don Miguel Video

Описание к видео Ayahuasca Icaro with lyrics and translation - Opening the Sacred Space, Don Miguel Video

Don Miguel singing a traditional Shipibo Icaro with lyrics and translation.
This Icaro is sang at the beginning of an Ayahuasca ceremony to call the spirits of the ancestors to protect the Sacred Space opened during the ceremony.

Learn more about our Ayahuasca retreats at http://www.ayahealingretreats.com/

Nocon Shawan – Welcome / calling the ancestors

Nocon shawan caibobo // Welcome family from afar
Nonra mato jowe acai // Now the spirits welcome you
Neska neska shamankin // I call you to this healing place
Mato jowe acai // I call the spirits to heal you

Mato jowe ayunshon // With this prayer I will heal you
Mato ishon banonkin // Listen to this healing prayer
Neska neska ranike // My ancestors heal the sick
Non shawan anibo // I call my sickly family

Nomabo beashkin // Spirits of the plants shall come
Chiti chiti shamani // They all dance among us now
Raro raro shamani // With their joyous dance they heal
Non mato ishonon // To you all I give this prayer

Learn more about our Ayahuasca retreats at www.AYAHEALINGRETREATS.com


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