Climbing Angel's Landing in a Snowstorm

Описание к видео Climbing Angel's Landing in a Snowstorm

Climbing Angel's Landing in a Snowstorm

After the permit system was implemented, I figured I would never get to do this hike again. So when we won the next day lottery, we went. Even though it was snowing. To be perfectly honest, it wasn't that bad with microspikes. I WOULD NOT recommend hiking this in snow or ice without them. We made an agreement that if anyone felt uncomfortable at any point, we would turn around. Unfortunately, Tina never got the chance to see if she would do it or not after she woke up around 5:30 AM sick with food poisoning. So she decided to stay at the hotel while Clint and I climbed it. I had one brief moment where I second guessed myself, but got over it quickly and continued on. The hike is always amazing, but under these conditions, it was truly a once in a lifetime experience.

Music by Artlist:

Kinderszenen, Op. 15 - 1 Von fremden Landern und Menschen - Hawkins

Ben Macdui - Daniel Robinson

Bachs Cello Suite - Reimagined - Ardie Son

Devotion - Tiko Tiko

Motions - Caleb Etheridge

Someplace Else - Adi Goldstein

Passing Hours - Juniper Sands

Years - The Hunts


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