"ЛЕБЕДИ" заварные- проще простого- а какая красота!\ Delicious Pastries CHOUX "Swans"

Описание к видео "ЛЕБЕДИ" заварные- проще простого- а какая красота!\ Delicious Pastries CHOUX "Swans"

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Рецепт заварных пирожных в виде лебедей-красивый десерт, который просто тает во рту Кажется, что приготовить его долго и трудоемко, на самом деле- проще простого.. Подойдет к любому празднику и событию, особенно у детей вызовут восторг.
молоко-60 мл.
вода-60 мл.
сливочное масло -50 г
яйца- 2 шт.
мука -75г
сахар-1\4 чайной ложки
масло слив.-100 г
сгущенное молоко-200 г
ванильный сахар- 1 чайная ложка
сахарная пудра -2 столовой ложки

The recipe for custard cakes in the form of swans is a beautiful dessert that just melts in your mouth it Seems that it is long and time-consuming, in fact - easier than ever.. Suitable for any holiday and event, especially children will be delighted.
milk-60 ml.
water-60 ml.
butter -50 g
eggs - 2 PCs.
flour -75g
sugar-1\4 teaspoons
drain oil.-100 g
condensed milk-200 g
vanilla sugar - 1 teaspoon
powdered sugar -2 tablespoons
Put the oven to heat up to 200 degrees.
In a saucepan pour the milk, water, sugar, salt, put on the stove to heat. Add the butter and heat on the stove until the oil dissolves.When the oil has dissolved, pour the flour all at once and stir quickly, remove from heat, and stir until the mixture will lag behind the walls of the saucepan. Add the eggs one by one-one added, stir, then another and stir. Eggs should be taken at room temperature, so that there is no temperature difference. The mixture should turn out soft, elastic and shiny, if you did everything correctly, a triangle of dough will hang from the blade. If you see that the mixture is not quite the same, you can add another half egg.
1\4 test to set aside, the rest of the dough in a pastry bag, which make a hole with scissors with a diameter of 1 centimeter. On a baking sheet lay pastry paper or silicone Mat and otsazhivaem from the bag of dough in the form of"shells".Put bake in the oven for 10 minutes at 200 degrees. then reduce the temperature to 180 degrees and bake for another 10 minutes. Finished workpiece to remove from the pan.
Postponed 1\4 test put in a pastry bag with a hole diameter of 0.5 centimeters. From him otsadit from test neck swans in the form of "twos", to in wide they were roughly 2.5 centimeters and in length -5 see are Posing bake 7 minutes under 180 degrees.
Prepare the cream: beat the butter in a mixer until white and gradually add powdered sugar and condensed milk, at the end add vanilla sugar.These cakes will suit any other cream of your choice-for example whipped cream, protein, caramel, etc.
"Shells" across cut in half with scissors-get the body of a Swan, the upper part is still in half-get two wings. Put the cream on the bottom, insert it on the sides of the wings and the top of the neck. Sprinkle with powdered sugar. Miracle treat-ready!

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Children's cakes can be viewed here -    • Детские торты  
Candy -    • Конфеты  
Cakes no-bake -    • Торты без выпечки  
3D cakes-from https://ВСП.on YouTube.com / playlist?list=PLq36r7KVuA7Flm8ZNQtXpik1Xad27lQn4
Cakes -    • ТОРТЫ  
Baking-   • Выпечка  


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