Rounding Numbers | GCSE Maths 9-1

Описание к видео Rounding Numbers | GCSE Maths 9-1

This video will show you how to round numbers to a given number of decimal places and significant figures.

You can watch the previous video here:
   • Least Common Multiple (LCM) & Highest...  
You can watch the next lesson here:
   • Estimating | GCSE Maths 9-1  

Time Stamps...
Rounding by decimal places - 0:18
Rounding by significant figures - 3:38
Q&A - 6:05

If you have any questions regarding the topic, please post in the comment section below.

This is a grade 3 topic for the new 9-1 GCSE qualification so is relatively basic but will be foundational for more advanced topics and applications.

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