Chinese Buddhist Evening Ceremony 佛教 晚課 心經 往生咒 彌陀讚

Описание к видео Chinese Buddhist Evening Ceremony 佛教 晚課 心經 往生咒 彌陀讚

After recitation of the Amitabha Sutra, the Heart Sutra and Pure land rebirth mantra are recited.
Amitabha Praise:
Amitabha's body is the color of gold,
The splendor of his hallmarks has no peer;
The light of his brow shines around a hundred worlds,
Wide as the seas are his eyes pure and clear.
Shining in his brilliance by transformation
Are countless Bodhisattvas and infinite Buddhas.
His forty-eight vows will be our liberation,
In nine lotus stages we reach the farthest shore.
Homage to the Buddha of the Western Pure Land,
Kind and Compassionate Amitabha
Namo Amita Buddha (recite at length)

晚課單日誦彌陀經,雙日則誦大懺悔文,因晚課以「歸向淨土」為要,唱誦《彌陀經》觀想極樂世界的殊勝莊嚴;大懺悔文是宋朝不動法 師依《三十五佛名禮懺文》整理,唱誦時隨文反省自己一天的身口意三業,至誠向諸佛懺悔無始劫來罪業,並藉著誦諸佛名號,引發向佛 學習之心。


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