Is The SICCE SHARK PRO Living Up to All the HYPE?

Описание к видео Is The SICCE SHARK PRO Living Up to All the HYPE?

Is the new Sicce Shark Pro worth the money and living up to all the hype? Let's crack mine open for the first time, for it's first cleaning and see what kind of job it's been doing.

This video includes a step-by-step of the cleaning my Sicce Shark Pro 500. Was it easy and fast? Does it look like it's doing a good job at capturing detritus? Let's take a look!

Here's a follow-up to my original Sicce Shark Pro "Honest Product Review" video which you can see here:    • New Internal Filter Design from Sicce...  

For the Sicce filters go here:

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Remember that fish keeping is truly a "fluid situation" and what works for one set-up might not work for another. Do plenty of research gathering information from several reliable sources before making any changes in your aquarium and please take everything you hear on YouTube (including from me) with a big grain of salt!

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Live Streaming
Join me and a great group of fish keepers on Saturday's at 11am Central (that's 9am Pacific / Noon Eastern) for The Cichlids & Coffee live stream. It's a great hour of fish fun and gets into everything from setting up a tank, proper filtration, fish selection and everything in between. I hope to see you there.

A big shout-out to my channel sponsor THE CICHLID SHACK, a provider of top quality fish and fish keeping food and supplies. Visit the shack at and use "shackattack10" for a 10% discount on all products (including food) and use "shackattack15" for a 15% discount on all fish purchases that total over $100. Discounts do not apply to shipping.

Thank you to key vendors that have helped with my new fish room including:
Aquarium Co-Op, a top provider of both products and knowledge for all types of fish keepers.
Sicce, a top quality manufacturer of aquarium pumps and filters.
Hygger, maker of a variety of aquarium products such as tanks, lights, pumps and heaters.
JC & P, providers of lights, rocks and other quality aquarium products.
Underwater Galleries, makers of the most beautiful ceramic caves available.
Xpertmatic, maker of good quality hang-inside filters and air pumps.
Many of their products are listed in my Amazon Affiliate store at:

For a behind the scenes look and access to photos and videos not posted anywhere else, follow me on Instagram at: ben.o.cichlid

If you're looking for a very helpful, knowledgeable and supportive group, check out: Ben O'Cichlid on Facebook. Cichlid is in the name but all types of fish keepers are welcome. Be sure to answer all the join-in questions or the group moderators will not let you in. It's how we keep the trolls out.

Thank you for the support and encouragement!


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