This TROLL Opening Will Make Your Opponents QUIT Chess

Описание к видео This TROLL Opening Will Make Your Opponents QUIT Chess

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♛ Find the Grob Opening (or Grob's Attack, or Grob Gambit) variations shown in the video in this blog-post -

In this video lesson, GM Igor Smirnov introduces one of the most surprising and underrated chess openings for White—the Grob Attack (or Grob Opening). It starts with the unexpected move 1.g4, guaranteed to shock Black right from the outset!

At first glance, this may look like a beginner's mistake or a troll move, but here’s an interesting fact: fewer than 1% of chess games have used this opening, making it one of the rarest in chess (seriously, who develops a flank pawn on the first move?). This rarity often catches opponents completely off guard.

The Grob Attack is a super-tricky chess opening. If Black doesn't know how to respond properly, they can easily fall into a trap. In fact, in some variations of the Grob Gambit, White can deliver checkmate in just 10 moves.

While the Grob Opening may not be the best choice for serious tournament games, it’s highly effective in casual or blitz games. The opening is packed with deadly traps at almost every turn, and just one inaccurate move from Black could cost them the game.

Watch the full video lesson to learn all about the Grob Opening—the main opening moves, key strategies for White, how to respond to Black's 1...d5 and 1...e5, and, most importantly, some nasty traps you can use to surprise your opponents.

► Chapters

00:00 Grob Opening (or Grob's Attack) - 1.g4
00:29 1) Black plays 1...d5
01:41 Checkmate in about 10 moves
03:50 2) Black plays 3...e6 to defend the d5-pawn
05:54 Pins, pins everywhere!
08:23 3) Black plays 3...c6 (MAIN TRAP)
11:37 4) Black plays 1...e5
13:48 g4-pawn for promotion!

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