哪裏的客家話最正宗?Which Hakka dialect is the most authentic?

Описание к видео 哪裏的客家話最正宗?Which Hakka dialect is the most authentic?

#客家 #客家大學堂 #客家傳統 #保育客家 #客家認同 #正宗客家話
#hakka #hakkastudies #hakkatraditons #authentichakka #hakkaidentity #hakkapreservation

很多人都有興趣知道,誰的客家話最正宗? 這個命題跟英語哪裏的最正宗是同類的命題,受到多因素所制約。我們在這裏會解釋一下,你的客家話正宗與否不是你講的腔調,而是你說客家話的態度。
Many people might ask the queston, "Whose Hakka is the most authentic?". This is similar to the question of whose English is the most authentic. Authenticity depends on several factors. We are going to clarify this concept in this episode. Whether your Hakka is authentic or not is not a matter of the accent you speak, but your attitude.

our website: hakkastudies.org


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