廣州!西華路市場!勁多人買年貨!西門口!最新開酒樓!飲早茶!味道如何?點心八折!美食推薦!旅遊攻略!最新樓價!3萬元!酒店價格!交通路線!人氣早市!Canton Food Tour|GuangZhou

Описание к видео 廣州!西華路市場!勁多人買年貨!西門口!最新開酒樓!飲早茶!味道如何?點心八折!美食推薦!旅遊攻略!最新樓價!3萬元!酒店價格!交通路線!人氣早市!Canton Food Tour|GuangZhou

   / @huntingarcher  

#廣州 #西華路 #樓價

GOOGLE MAP:https://maps.app.goo.gl/tWsGLsx6YvWH6...
BAIDU MAP:https://j.map.baidu.com/50/FGzJ
餐厅消费:香煎鍋貼韭菜餃 ¥14.94,黑松露蛋腸粉 ¥15.66,貝貝瓜蒸鳳爪 ¥24.36,陳皮牛肉丸 ¥22.62



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其東起人民北路,西至廣三鐵路邊,全長1600米,寬16米。 目前車輛通行方向除荔灣路以西路段為由西往東單向通行外,其餘路段均為雙向通行。
在古代時,是從彩虹橋(驛馬湧)登岸進入廣州的道路。 清朝初年稱為萬善裡,當時東段稱移民市,因清政府強迫番禺、新安、香山等縣的沿海居民遷移到此而得名,後改“移”為“宜”,稱宜民市 。 西華路口一段,原來無街。 由光復北路尾至彩虹橋一段,是合併宜民市、連桂坊、榮圩及彩虹橋直街而成,而至鐵路止。 1933年擴建道路並定今名。
腸粉種類繁多,例如以布拉成的稱為布拉腸粉,沒有布拉的稱手拉腸粉。 石磨腸粉則是將用石磨製作的米漿淋到托盤上,再放入抽屜式蒸架。
腸粉傳統以碎牛肉、魚片、鮮蝦仁或廣東叉燒為餡料,也是廣東和香港茶樓常見的點心,常見的有鮮蝦腸粉、牛肉腸粉、叉燒腸粉。 而不加餡、沒有灑上小蝦米和蔥的則稱齋腸(又稱豬腸粉),是傳統粥店中早餐常見的食品。
米漿置於蒸具中或布上逐張蒸成薄皮,然後分別鋪上其它配料,傳統上多為已經預先切碎的牛肉或豬肉、魚片、蝦仁、油條等,蒸熟後捲成長條 ,切段,灑上小蝦米和蔥花上碟。 有加入餡料的叫牛肉腸、豬肉腸、豬肝腸、魚片腸、蝦米腸、鮮蝦腸和炸兩等等;而不加餡、沒有灑上小蝦米和蔥花的則稱齋腸,一般 會將腸粉切段;加入素菜的稱羅漢腸;米漿中加入糖拉出的叫甜腸(港澳地區則有黃糖腸)。
Xihua Road is located in Guangzhou, China. It is an east-west road.
It starts from Renmin North Road in the east and ends at the Guangsan Railway in the west, with a total length of 1,600 meters and a width of 16 meters. Currently, except for the section west of Liwan Road, which is one-way traffic from west to east, the remaining sections are two-way traffic.
In ancient times, it was the way to enter Guangzhou from Rainbow Bridge (Simayong). In the early Qing Dynasty, it was called Wanshanli, and the eastern section was called Immigration City at that time. It got its name because the Qing government forced coastal residents from Panyu, Xin'an, Xiangshan and other counties to move here. Later, "moving" was changed to "yi" and it was called Yimin City. . A section of Xihua Road intersection originally had no street. The section from the end of Guangfu North Road to Rainbow Bridge is formed by merging Yimin City, Lien Kwai Fong, Rongwei and Rainbow Bridge Straight Streets, and ends at the railway. In 1933, the road was expanded and given its current name.
Apart from the residential areas, Xihua Road is home to many local restaurants that have been open for more than ten years, covering porridge, noodles, rice, desserts and snacks. It is a food street that is closer to local life.
Rice roll is a transparent, roll-shaped food made of rice milk and clear noodles. It has a soft and elastic texture. It is very famous in Hong Kong and Guangdong, and has since spread to other places .
There are many types of rice rolls. For example, those made with bran are called Bra rice rolls[2], and those without Bra rolls are called hand-pulled rice rolls. For stone-ground rice rolls, the rice slurry made by stone-milling is poured onto a tray and then placed in a drawer-type steaming rack.
Rice rolls are traditionally filled with minced beef, fish fillets, fresh shrimps or Cantonese barbecued pork. They are also a common snack in Guangdong and Hong Kong teahouses. Common ones include shrimp rice rolls, beef rice rolls and barbecued pork rice rolls. The ones without stuffing, dried shrimps and green onions are called Zhai Chang (also known as Chee Cheong Fun), which is a common breakfast food in traditional porridge restaurants.
The rice milk is placed in a steaming utensil or on a cloth and steamed into thin sheets one by one, and then put on top of other ingredients. Traditionally, these are pre-chopped beef or pork, fish fillets, shrimps, fried dough sticks, etc., and then rolled into long strips after steaming. , cut into sections, sprinkle with shrimp and chopped green onion and serve on the plate. Those with fillings are called beef sausages, pork sausages, pig liver sausages, fish fillet sausages, shrimp sausages, fresh shrimp sausages, fried sausages, etc.;

00:00 Intro
00:49 西門口地鐵站/飲早茶/點心8折
02:29 悅廚家宴/讀餐牌時間
07:09 香煎鍋貼韭菜餃/黑松露蛋腸粉/貝貝瓜蒸鳳爪/陳皮牛肉丸
19:47 人民北路/飯店價格/西華路早市/路邊年花檔口價格/附近樓價
市32:00 場買菜/農曆新年將至/市民瘋狂購物
44:39 第一津買瀨粉/合興小吃店
46:00 Ending
#廣州美食 粵語 #food tour #city walk #Chinese food #walking tour #street walk #town market #china tour #walking downtown in china #busy street #dim sum #粤语 #cantonese #Guangzhou #Cantonese cuisine #点心 #Chinese Food #Canton Food Tour #Walk in GuangZhou #vlog #guangzhou #street food #eating #chinese food #chinese food recipes #廣州 #西華路 #市場 #年貨 #西門口 #酒樓 #早茶 #點心 #美食 #旅遊 #酒店價格 #交通路線 #早市 #地鐵 #中山六路 #腸粉 #鳳爪 #牛肉丸 #鍋貼 #food tourism #food tour china #food tour vlog #chinese food blog #china tourism #china tourist


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