ZOOTOO vs. _png (Haohmaru vs. Gaira)

Описание к видео ZOOTOO vs. _png (Haohmaru vs. Gaira)

I finally got to face the super strong _png Gaira. And it was an experience.

This set was not only really fun but also a great display of bar usage and SoN counterplay. Near the start of the set, for example, _png deliberately spun very little during command grab to barely keep me outside of blue bar, so I couldn't use SoN and his next throw would kill me. Much later in the set, he had blue bar and I was just outside the threshold; I deliberately got hit by a j.AB so I could immediately activate SoN before he got to. And there are many more instances of strategies that people would only form after playing this game long enough.

Long live VSP!


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