Why is the Marianas Politically Divided into Guam and the CNMI?

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0:00 – Introduction
0:52 – Historically, Marianas lacked political unity
2:55 – The Spanish politically united the Marianas
4:10 – The origins of the current political divide in the Marianas
5:30 – The NMI becomes part of the Japanese mandate
6:59 – Marianas reunited under Japan
8:13 – The NMI becomes part of the Trust Territory of the Pacific [TTPI]
9:36 – Why the TTPI was the major obstacle at achieving Marianas reunification or any political status decision
11:50 – NMI attempts at political status decisions from 1950 to 1953
14:28 – NMI and Guam attempts at reuniting the Marianas from 1957 to 1966
22:09 – The final serious attempt at Marianas reunification
23:48 – Possible reasons why Guam voters rejected reunification
26:05 – Why reunification was no guarantee, even if Guam voters voted for reunification
28:39 – Video Summary

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