Review Of 1960 (1960)

Описание к видео Review Of 1960 (1960)

Item title reads - Review of 1960.

Library footage showing notable events of the year.

L/S Victoria Falls in Africa. M/S Harold Macmillan walking along, L/S Falls. M/S as he looks out over them. L/S Kariba dam, Macmillan looks over the edge. L/S from top of dam looking out over mountains. M/S people gathered at Blantyre. M/S demonstrators holding banners supporting Dr. Banda. C/U banner reading 'Better to be dead than Federation'. M/S demonstrators clashing with police. L/S Cape Town. M/S Government building. M/S Macmillan waving. M/S assassination attempt on Prime Minister Verwoerd at agricultural show. M/S man wrestling with attacker. C/U photographer. M/S Verwoerd with blood on his face.

L/S Royal Opera House, London. M/S French President Charles de Gaulle entering the Opera House with Queen Elizabeth II. C/U of the Queen. M/S Queen and President de Gaulle walking into the Opera House. Various shots of Agadier in Morocco almost flattened by an earthquake. M/S block of shops with collapsed roof. M/S men digging in the rubble. Various shots of firemen fighting fire in a whisky store in Glasgow. L/S as water is directed onto the building. M/S wall of the store collapsing. Various shots as firemen try to fight the blaze.

High angle shot of Leopoldville in the Belgian Congo. Various shots of wrecked and burning car on the road. C/U flames coming from the petrol tank. M/S crowds of African children waving. M/S Prime Minister Patrice Lumumba and President Joseph Kasavubu talking to members of their government. C/U Lumumba. M/S people running up a street in Leopoldville. M/S Belgian troops in jeep being taunted by Africans, M/S as they shout at the troops. M/S of a dead African man lying in the road after being shot. M/S General Alexander looking down at him, pan down to the body on the ground.

Interior of court in Moscow, Russia where Francis Powers is being tried for spying. Various shots of the scene including Powers' father and wife watching, and Powers in the dock. High angle shot of New York. M/S Nikita Khrushchev and Gromyko, Russian Foreign Minister walking to United Nations meeting. Interior L/S of delegates seated. M/S Harold Macmillan making a speech, people applaud. L/S Khrushchev stood up waving his fist. M/S submarine 'Washington' at sea. Various shots as Polaris missiles are fired from under sea. M/S 'Dreadnought', Britain's first nuclear submarine. M/S the Queen who is there to launch it, she is stood with officials and Prince Philip. L/S crowds. L/S as she launches it. M/S her on platform.

C/U swastika painted on wall. M/S Adler House, the court of the chief Rabbi. C/U swastika sign painted on door as nazism threatens to rise again. Various shots of the Nuremberg rally just prior to the war. Nazi troops goose step and carry swastika flags. L/S Adolf Hitler taking the salute with other high ranking officials. Troops pass by in armoured vehicles. L/S Balmoral castle. M/S the Queen, Duke, Princess Anne and Prince Charles looking at new baby Prince Andrew in his pram. C/U Prince Andrew. Various shots of the Shah of Persia and his wife Queen Farah Diba. C/U nurses tending to the Shah's son. L/S John and Jackie Kennedy after he has been elected President. M/S crowds of pressmen. M/S and C/U John and Jackie Kennedy. L/S members of the Labour party gathered round Aneurin (Nye) Bevan who died in 1960, C/U of him. L/S Harold Macmillan standing beside the statue of Lloyd George he has just unveiled. M/S of the statue. Macmillan shields his eyes from the sun as he looks at the statue. C/U statue, C/U of its face.

Various shots as masses of people gather in St. Pancras for rent protest meeting. M/S police fighting with a man. C/U policeman wrestling with demonstrators. M/S group of policemen trying to hold one of the demonstrators. L/S liner 'Queen Mary' tied up at Southampton, Hampshire, during strike. M/S seaman carrying banner reading 'Why are seamen strikers sent to prison'. M/S couple of passengers walking along Queen Mary's empty decks. M/S boats tied up. L/S interior baggage piled in long building. C/U baggage.

Aerial view of the Olympic Stadium at Rome, Italy. Various shots as Herb Elliot comes in to win the 1500 metres, M/S as he breaks the tape. C/U as he is presented with his gold medal. L/S huge crowds gathered outside Huddersfield Town Hall. C/U gold medal winner Anita Lonsborough walking onto the balcony and waving to crowds. High angle shot of crowds waving. L/S Anita waving from the balcony. C/U children waving streamers. C/U Anita. M/S Don Thompson coming out and winning the 50 kilometres walking race, he breaks the tape. C/U as he is congratulated. M/S Dr. Barbara Moore on her walk from John O'Groats to Land's End, M/S as camera pans d
FILM ID:1704.18


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