How to make a Ham Radio Speaker Wire Antenna

Описание к видео How to make a Ham Radio Speaker Wire Antenna

This antenna is a fun & cheap build that I have been having excellent success with while QRP Portable doing SOTA. As a disclaimer, you should always check your antenna builds with an antenna analyzer to ensure your application is within the radio’s acceptable limits. As with any DIY projects, I can’t be responsible for any errors in your calculations or variances so please build this antenna at your own risk and CHECK IT WITH AN ANALYZER BEFORE CONNECTING IT TO YOUR RADIO AND USING IT. I think you’ll find great joy in the antenna making process so have fun.

In this video I show you my infamous speaker wire antenna see on my many SOTA (Summits On The Air) videos. After much field use, with QSO's across the nation and into some DX, I feel comfortable bragging about the simple design.

A perk I found out is that though it's cut resonate for 20m, my new KX2 tunes it from 40-10m with ease.

If you have any questions please leave them in the comments for all to see and learn.

Thank you.


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