why it is the Orthodox who are in schism

Описание к видео why it is the Orthodox who are in schism

In the west we have a tendency to see christianity as Protestants and Catholics. Or , as they would say in my neck of the woods, Protestants, Catholics, and just plain old christians.

But when a westerner, such as myself, converts to Catholicism their eyes open to a whole new perspective. We are exposed Things that we were never been exposed to. Things we never knew existed.

One of the more exciting things we are shown is the eastern orthodox church.

I would say most converts to Catholicism,  in fact most Catholics in general,  become a little fascinated with Eastern Orthodoxy at some point. 

To a westerner who is used to the criticism of Protestants about the Catholic Church, the existence of Eastern Orthodoxy actually gives a reassurance of the validity of Catholicism.

They have a lot of the same beliefs, the same  structure, . the worship service is, generally speaking the same, they have priest, Bishops, monks and nuns, they confess their sins to a priest, they pray to saints and venerate the virgin mary.

Yet, oddly enough, they are not part of the Catholic church. Or I should say they are no longer part of the Catholic Church. Or, the 2 churches are no longer together.

This is called schism. Where a part of the one true church breaks away, usually with a geographical component, from the church


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