The Light Between the Waves [Tales of the Rays Event Translation]

Описание к видео The Light Between the Waves [Tales of the Rays Event Translation]


Translation: Summer/Planetarial
Editing: Yewfelle
Recording: TimeFactor    / @timefactorf4240  

Subtitle File:

Translator Notes:

1. Viewers familiar with Katakana may recognize that Nuadha's JP name (ナーザ) doesn't read anywhere close to how his EN name chosen here looks. Its essentially a really strange corrupted spelling that was chosen because Rays likes using a lot of Irish mythology names and Nuadha feels like a really obvious reference to Nuadha Airgetlám.

2. "It’s true, in our world we hadn’t stopped Gadel yet haven’t we?"

Crestoria readers will recognize that this isn't where the story left off at all. Apparently the Rays versions come from a version of the story ahead of the game? I don't know. I have heard unconfirmed reports that this was in parts of a story script that never got released in the game but was datamined.

Rays Discord:

  / discord  

Guide to Playing Tales of the Rays (also by me):

I am still very new to translating and learning Japanese. Therefore there may be mistakes. I welcome criticism to help me improve!


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