Oak Meadow Update | Curriculum Choices 4th and 6th Grade

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Oak Meadow Update | 4th and 6th Grade

I have had quite a few people ask how has using Oak Meadow been for us this school year. Overall, we were very happy with our decision to use the Oak Meadow curriculum for my boys' fourth and sixth-grade years. It has exceeded our expectations and made our homeschooling journey enjoyable and successful. Watch the video for more details on what worked for us and what we tweaked to make it work.


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Curriculum and Resources Mentioned
Homeschool Haul '22 - '23 (Workbooks and supplies)

Oak Meadow https://bit.ly/OakMeadow4TSHL

Time4Learning https://bit.ly/Time4LearningTSHL

TeachingTextbooks https://bit.ly/3TSHLteachingtextbooks4


Amazon Favorites www.amazon.com/shop/thesimplehappylife
Instagram   / thesimplehappylife  
Email [email protected]

*This video is not sponsored. The description may contain affiliate links. I may receive a small commission (at no cost to you) for any purchases you make through these links. This is to help support my channel. Thank you for your support. This video is not made for children.

#homeschool20223 #oakmeadow #curriculumchoices


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