Diagnosis and management of boil on buttock area - Dr. Rasya Dixit

Описание к видео Diagnosis and management of boil on buttock area - Dr. Rasya Dixit

Common cause of a non inflammatory means that it is not that it's not red, not painful boil in the buttock area. We think that it is a frunkle or a hair follicle infection which could be defeated which is why it is not causing so much pain, that means the body is able to take care and the immunity is able to combat the infection and it is not allowing to separate. However in this area where is commonly sinuses can form from a boil, so if you are having any discharge what's happening and the boil is more centrally located in between the buttock area then the corrs chances of pilonidal sinus become more prominent. Both these conditions can we initially non painful and later they can become painful, so even if you have a non painful nodule for 10 days it is better to get an opinion from either a Dermatologist or a surgeon, who can examine it and decide whether any treatment is needed. Usually if it is very nonsuppurative and it looks like it's going to dissolve on its own, doctor's will leave it alone by giving some anti inflammatory medicines or any antibiotics. But if it is a large lesion which looks like it's going to suppurate, it is better to get it drain so that it does not cause a big scar in this area, if it suppurate it takes long time to heal. So it is better to take immediate medical attention just to get the problem out of the way as prevention is better than cure.


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