नांदूर मधमेश्वर | बाणेश्वर महादेव | मृगव्याधेश्वर मंदिर| नासिक दर्शन | राम वनवास मार्ग

Описание к видео नांदूर मधमेश्वर | बाणेश्वर महादेव | मृगव्याधेश्वर मंदिर| नासिक दर्शन | राम वनवास मार्ग

नांदूर मधमेश्वर | बाणेश्वर महादेव | मृगव्याधेश्वर मंदिर| नासिक दर्शन | राम वनवास मार्ग
#nandurmadhmaheshwar #nasikdarshan #ramvangamanpath #ramvanvaas #maharashtratourism
Nandur Madmaheswar, located in Maharashtra, is known for its scenic beauty and spiritual significance. It lies along the Ram Vanwas Marg, a route traditionally associated with the exile of Lord Rama, which is believed to have been taken during his time in the forest. The area features temples and natural landscapes, making it a notable pilgrimage destination.
Nandur Madhmeshwar is a bird sanctuary and wetland located in the Nashik district of Maharashtra, India. Known as the "Bharatpur of Maharashtra," this sanctuary is part of the backwaters of the Nandur Madhmeshwar Dam. The wetland serves as an essential habitat for migratory and resident bird species, making it a popular destination for birdwatchers and nature lovers.
#nasik #nasiktouristplaces #ramvanvaas #maharashtratour

Autumn by LiQWYD    / liqwyd  ​
Creative Commons — Attribution 3.0 Unported — CC BY 3.0
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