Meet the Mesothelioma Experts: Legal Edition - Asbestos Litigation Questions Answered

Описание к видео Meet the Mesothelioma Experts: Legal Edition - Asbestos Litigation Questions Answered

00:00 - Introduction
03:57 - How do I choose a law firm? What are some considerations and questions to ask when interviewing law firms?
13:05 - How long should the entire legal process take?
17:41 - What if, after hiring a reputable law firm, the patient doesn't hear back from them within the outlined timeline?
21:18 - What are the typical steps taken after a patient signs on with a law firm?
32:44 - How quickly after the process has begun should a patient expect to start seeing checks?
36:48 - How do bankruptcy trusts play into the legal process? At what point are they pursued?
40:57 - How much of the settlement ultimately goes to the patient? What fees are subtracted from the patient's settlement portion?
- Expenses
- Medical insurance, Medicare, Medicaid liens (subrogation)
- Settlement checks are not subject to income taxes
55:51 - If the originally-hired law firm did not pursue the talcum powder claims on behalf of the patient, but the patient used talc, what options does the patient have?
59:19 - Does talc litigation require specialized expertise as compared to the more typical litigation?

Join us for a free presentation about asbestos compensation legal issues with Joseph Belluck, Esq. of the Belluck & Fox law firm. Mr. Belluck answers your most frequently asked questions about the legal process for mesothelioma patients.

This program is made possible by a generous educational grant from Belluck & Fox.


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