Tablet Weaving: a filled tubular cord

Описание к видео Tablet Weaving: a filled tubular cord

This video shows how to weave a filled tubular cord using the tablet weaving technique. The tube is woven in double weave in a warp-faced structure. The weft and central filling core are hidden by the warp threads. The core is 4 strands of 3/2 cotton. I have threaded one strand through the square centre hole in card 2, two strands through the centre hole in card 3 and one strand through the centre hole in card 4. (All the core threads could be threaded through one centre square hole if preferred).
Whilst weaving the cord shows no twist. Once released from tension, the natural twist in the weave structure causes the cord to twist and the pattern spirals around the cord.
I also demonstrate the use of a turning rod through the centre square holes. In this method, the core threads are draped over and under the turning rod in the middle of the cards.
Remember as weaving progresses the core thread will become loose. It will need to be tightened at the non-weaving end to prevent it tangling in the warp threads.
With this weave structure, the degree of twist is fixed. Using a weaving disc the twist in a filled tubular cord can be altered.


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