The Runescape update which dropped twisted bows on the ground

Описание к видео The Runescape update which dropped twisted bows on the ground

One of the biggest mistakes in Runescape history.
Streamers clips used:
  / vancouver07  
  / alfie  
  / gingerbeardie  

Instagram: torvestaofficial
Twitter:   / torvesta  
Twitch:   / torvesta  
Second Channel:    / @torvesta6685  

► Play Oldschool Runescape (Free online MMORPG by Jagex) here:

Songs used:
OSRS Soundtrack
► Ash O'Connor - Vibe [NCS Release] -
SoundCloud:   / ashoconnor  
Facebook:   / ashoconnor.official  
Twitter:   / ashoconnormusic  

Business Email: [email protected]


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