Week after coup, protests continue in Naypyitaw

Описание к видео Week after coup, protests continue in Naypyitaw

(8 Feb 2021) Myanmar police fired water cannon into a protesting crowd in the capital Naypyitaw, on Monday, but video shot shortly before the incident appears to show no obvious cause.
The demonstrators seemed to do little more than chant pro-democracy slogans, display signs condemning last week's coup and make three-fingered salutes, a sign of dissent adopted from protesters in neighbouring Thailand.
There was a large police presence – rows of personnel with shields and some with rifles – but though it was noisy the protest did not appear to offer any threat.
The protests in Naypyitaw, ongoing for several days, have been especially unusual, for a great part of the city's population are civil servants and their families.
The city was purpose-built under a previous military government, has a heavy military presence and lacks the tradition of protest of the former capital, Yangon.

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