Kodak TMax 400 | Minolta X-570

Описание к видео Kodak TMax 400 | Minolta X-570

Shopping with the following links supports our channel and our family!
Kodak TMAX 400: http://shrsl.com/2beny
Our Film Cameras:
Minolta X-570: http://rover.ebay.com/rover/1/711-532...
Minolta X-700: http://rover.ebay.com/rover/1/711-532...
Nikon FM: http://shrsl.com/2bepj
Minolta MD 28mm Lens: http://shrsl.com/2bemr
Minolta MD 50mm Lens: http://shrsl.com/2bemy
Minolta MD 135mm Lens: http://shrsl.com/2ben0
Shot on the Nikon D750: https://amzn.to/2M4cvcx
With the Rode Video Micro: https://amzn.to/3fJrdmC

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In our second episode, we shoot with the Minolta X-570 and Kodak TMax 400 on the rocky coast of Alcatraz! Join us as we explore the decaying architecture of one of the most infamous federal penitentiaries in history. We'll discover great shots and get active with accessible gear in the world of film photography!

Action starts @1:23


Music by ASIDE:   / asidebeats  

Do whatever it takes to get out and do what you love. For us, that's photography. Join us as we make due with limited equipment, minimal budget, and lackluster choice of location as we figure out the expansive world of analog! Anyone can get into film photography, the biggest hurdle is getting off the couch. Any person, any budget, any location. Get active, go capture!

#kodaktmax #tmax400 #filmphotography #blackandwhite #analogphotography #filmisnotdead


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