Message-Market Match: The Golden Key [Eugene Schwartz Market Awareness+Roy Furr Copywriting Formula]

Описание к видео Message-Market Match: The Golden Key [Eugene Schwartz Market Awareness+Roy Furr Copywriting Formula]

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I’m a total marketing nerd…
I know because when I have an idea… A discovery… A realization… Like I share in today’s video…
I can literally feel my heart palpitate.
My blood races.
I get excited.
Like Marty Edelston from Boardroom used to say about great copy, “It makes me vibrate.”
And I can’t wait to share.
Today’s video gives you the Golden Key to Message-Market Match…
It combines the Market Awareness model as taught by Eugene Schwartz in Breakthrough Advertising…
(With a hat-tip to Keith Krance for his UPSYD acronym for the model…)
With my own PAISA copywriting formula, designed to take a prospect from totally unaware to ready-to-buy in one message.
And it shows you exactly where your marketing message must open…
No matter where they’re at in terms of awareness.
I give examples and applications, too…
I explain that when Salesforce was brand new, they had to treat their market like it was completely unaware — and today, their marketing is very different…
And how that’s all accounted for in the model.
I explain how to target your message if you’re doing retargeting… Versus writing to an email list… Versus going after web searchers looking for competitors… Versus doing completely cold traffic…
And probably a few more examples.
In my book, this is easily a $10 or $20 training video — it’s 25 minutes packed with a model that will provide immense clarity for all copywriters, marketers, and advertisers.
But because it’s a daily issue of Breakthrough Marketing Secrets, you get it free.
Watch now.
(You might want to take notes.)
Yours for bigger breakthroughs,
Roy Furr

#copywriting #marketing #advertising #eugeneschwartz #breakthroughadvertising


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