Still Have My Harley Time 💗🐵

Описание к видео Still Have My Harley Time 💗🐵

I still have my Harley time almost every night. Sometimes he doesn't want the Harley time because he's too busy licking his arms after his bath. 🤣 But, almost every night we have our alone time together. I was hoping to get on film him playing with his favorite toy. He does it just about every night and it's so funny. He acts like he's going to attack it! 🤣 He didn't really play with it much this night, but did for a few seconds. I'll try to get another video later of just him playing with it if I can. Also, check out the pic at the very end. It was the view out of my kitchen window after our storms today. I'm going to blow it up, have it framed, and hang it in the monkey living room.


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