THE WORSHIP SPACE Season 1 - Muri Mwari ( You're God ) Minister Fungie

Описание к видео THE WORSHIP SPACE Season 1 - Muri Mwari ( You're God ) Minister Fungie

Seasons change. People age. Civilizations rise and fall. Is there anything truly consistent? Is there any firm Truth we can hold on to in a world that is always shifting? Yes! God Himself tells us that He does not change (Malachi 3:6) and will always do what He says He will do (Numbers 23:19). Time does not affect God. He is still the same holy, amazing, kind God He was when He created the world. No matter how uncertain your life looks, you can trust in God’s constant love and faithfulness (Psalm 100:5). He has always been here and He always will be. God remains the same yesterday, today, and forever!
Muri Mwari ( You are God) is a declaration song that God remains God all the time!

Worship is not an event and neither a physical place !
It is an expression, a space & atmosphere that we can create , an appointment and commitment...a lifestyle ought to be lived!
John 4:23-24.
But the hour cometh and now is, when the true worshipers shall worship the Father in spirit and in truth, for the Father seeketh such to worship Him. God is a Spirit, and they that worship Him must worship Him in spirit and in truth.
Far from the big stage and the ecstatic audience or congregants clamoring for "some more and chanting "encore encore encore...... Can you still create time to worship the CREATOR ??
🙏🏽Whether you're driving...
🙏🏽Whether you're at your workplace ...
🙏🏽Whether you've been confined to a hospital bed for days now ...
🙏🏽 In a terrible situation ....
9 June 2023 We bring to you WORSHIP SPACE !
These are songs that will create an intimate worship space regardless of your location.
Please take note that we do not own rights to the songs. All rights belong to the owner. No Copyright Infringement Intended.


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