UH+UF Accelerator Module 3 - Session 1

Описание к видео UH+UF Accelerator Module 3 - Session 1

Life is hard out there for an urban tree! Achieving even modest increases in tree canopy cover – especially in neighborhoods historically underserved by urban forestry initiatives – is going to require buy-in, support, and stewardship from residents. Module 3 walks participants through the philosophy and practical steps that can be taken to build trust, repair historical harms, increase tree survival rates, and meet urban forestry goals through equitable engagement with residents and other stakeholders. From planning to planting to stewardship, Groundwork USA and members of their national network will assist participants in integrating equitable engagement into their urban forestry practices.

For more on the Accelerator: https://naturebasedclimate.solutions/...

To access resources mentioned during this recording:https://naturebasedclimate.solutions/...


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