2010 R1

Описание к видео 2010 R1

Moto is back from the doctors and running like a champ.
Believe me when I say, moto's are expensive to own and if you ride like me, they require maintenance much quicker than a weekend regular rider or the commuter from work and home, or the fair-weather rider.
When I first got this moto, it ran for a day and a half, and it wouldn't start back up.
Got it running with the new battery to get it to the moto mechanics shop and he finally got her fixed.
He changed the stator as it wasn't charging and checked the rectifier, and it was good. Finally, got the moto to charge and found the starter to not be good.
Well, suffice to say it took a few for the moto mechanic to get to it, but finally, here is the almighty 2010 R1. :)
The owner of revved up motorsports is a great mechanic and great pricing when it comes to the time and materials to finish a project. Not only that, but he also works on all kinds of moto's and not just Harley Davidsons. He does work on those too and Indians.
In any case, will be running the R1 and getting some vid's off of it. :)
Be vigilant and practice.


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