Hawk is your Power Guide

Описание к видео Hawk is your Power Guide

Tune into nature for life’s answers.

Hi YouTube Tribe : ) Brandie here with Golden Hawk Readings.

Hawk flew in and its cry was heard this week to bring you messages from your higher self and Great Spirit.

I took on the name Golden Hawk from my blonde hair and some of my family’s early European settlers marrying indigenous people, mainly Cherokee and Chickasaw tribes resettled in the midwest territories. Although my Indian roots are unofficial, I definitely feel my ancestral culture coursing through me, especially when I connect with nature and read the medicine cards.

Messages from Hawk:
Be Aware
Be Alert
Be Ready
Be Bold
Be Keen
Be Open
Be Able to Receive Messages

Until we meet again, walk in love and light.

Earth Friendly Tip - Doing tangible actions to make a difference in our global environment.

Try alternative methods to rid yourself of small vermin including rats, mice, or voles that are low on the food web. The bate traps have these small pests eat and go out with poison in their system. These animals are eaten by predators including Hawks. Hawks eat more than 1 mouse so the poison begins to compound to a level that is lethal to the Hawk as well, not to mention death for their smaller offspring they are helping to feed. This is called bio compounding in the food chain and affects every species in a food web system because each link in the web needs to be there to keep an ecosystem healthy.

Explore more videos @goldenhawkreadings by Brandie, the channel working with Mother Earth's animal power guides to create a more harmonious world patterned after nature.

Golden Hawk Readings uses the wisdom and knowledge curated by Jamie Sams & David Carson in the Medicine Cards deck - https://medicinecards.com/.
Hearty, Music I Use: https://www.bensound.com/free-music-f..., License code: AFCTE8SNQWXAH2FG
I hope you enjoyed the messages from our animal guide(s) this week and I appreciate all of your “Likes”, “Shares”, and “Subscribes”.

For legal purposes, all videos are general medicine card readings, not one-to-one personal readings. Viewers are solely responsible for how they interpret all readings and Golden Hawk Readings by Brandie takes no responsibility for individual viewer interpretation or life actions. This channel is for entertainment purposes only and not to be used in place of professional advice whether it be legal, medical, business, relationship, or financial areas.

#hawk #animalguides #animaltotems #spiritanimals #goldenhawkreadings #medicinecards #earthfriendly #powerguide #earthenergy #tuneintonature #greenliving


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