Fosdinovo, per una notte le chiavi del castello

Описание к видео Fosdinovo, per una notte le chiavi del castello

Fosdinovo, the keys to the castle for one night

A beautiful tour that first takes us to Val d'Aveto with the Zovallo and Tomarlo passes. We cross the Monte Penna forest to arrive at the magnificent Centocroci Pass. We wind our way through the Tuscan-Emilian Apennines National Park and then reach the Brattello pass which takes us to Borgo Val di Taro
These two days to spend a night in the Malaspina Castle of Fosdinovo and participate in the Street Festival through the ancient streets of the village in which the persuasive voice of Joyce E. Yuille, a singer from the jazz circles of the "Big Apple" and gospel churches, echoes


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