Face Tracking Nerf Turret Project (Inspired by Michael Reeves)

Описание к видео Face Tracking Nerf Turret Project (Inspired by Michael Reeves)

Thanks again to Michael Reeves for inspiring me to start to learn to code! Videos like the ones linked below made it seem like learning to code was less of a big thing. With that, I am very new at this, those of you who look at my code in the video, feel free to tell my how bad it is and/or make suggestions to improve it.

Michael's Videos:
Robot that shines a laser in your eye:    • The Robot That Shines a Laser in Your...  
This made coding seem more approachable to me:    • Hacking Drones With a Child's Toy  

Things included in this project:
Servos: https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B07...
Arduino: https://store.arduino.cc/usa/arduino-...
Python 3.7 (3.8 does not work with OpenCV right now): https://www.python.org/downloads/rele...
STL files for the Turret: https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:415...

Python videos:
general stuff:    • Learn Python - Full Course for Beginn...  
OpenCV:    • Haar Cascade Object Detection Face & ...  


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