Ricardo Confessori, Guilherme Hirose - Into Dark Matter (Official Music Video)

Описание к видео Ricardo Confessori, Guilherme Hirose - Into Dark Matter (Official Music Video)

Stream or download 'Into Dark Matter', Now here: https://open.spotify.com/intl-pt/albu...

Film Directed By Thiago Larenttes
Music Producer, Mixed & Mastered: Thiago Larenttes

Vocals: @guilhermehirose

Drums: @ricardoconfessori

Lead Guitar, Bass, Piano, Orchestrations: @thiagolarenttes

Guitar: @affonsojuniorgp

Lyric: Into Dark Matter

Another life unfolds
Other version of myself
‘cause a different path was taken out
The choices we’ve made led to new realities
The world we look for

The road not taken,
parallel universes
which seemed so rare
Unconnected and uncontrolled
It’s just a grain of sand ….

Human separateness
an illusion of ourselves
Coz’ we all are made from same spark
Blown out pieces of matter, burnt fire of dead stars
The one we look for

What if we chose these
worlds not willfully
but they’re reflections
Of our emotional legacy
It’s just a grain of sand in a endless universe
Where we exist , or existed in

Worlds apart where our life gone astray
we’ve lost control, now time lasts forever

Multiverse in reality lies
New versions of mine, into Dark Matter

First time I saw you my dear
When your eyes met mine
Worlds colided inside my chest
Why can’t you be mine?

The road not taken,
parallel universes
which seemed so rare
Unconnected and uncontrolled
It’s just a grain of sand in a endless universe
Where we exist , or existed in

Worlds apart where our life gone astray
we’ve lost control, now time lasts forever

Multiverse in reality lies
New versions of mine, into Dark Matter

#rock #angra #shaman #heavymetal


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